PWS Annual Summer Party and Fundraiser!!
On 12th June PWS held their first annual summer party and fundraiser. It was great to see so many familiar faces and some new ones too. In our busy schedules it is all too easy to get into a mundane routine and forget to make the most of each other and so the time spend in organising and pulling off this event was well worth it. Fun was had by all, young and (slightly) older alike and it was great to be able to be at the centre of a successful event.
The success of the event has been measured by many factors but most essentially to us here was to show our appreciation to those who have supported us and ‘give something back’. The surf simulator was a great way of encouraging some competition, although it has to be said, the laser pigeon shooting was, excuse the pun here, a real hit!!
We were also able to raise over £600 to the Nepal Earthquake Appeal and as we have family in Nepal we are hoping for some updates to how this money has helped in the very near future.
Thank you again to all those who came and enjoyed the evening… we shall be hoping to run a similar event next year too!